Long-term care, a guide for users

Long-term care, a guide for users

Cuidados de larga duración, una guía para los usuarios


What is long-term care?

Long-term care includes a wide range of medical, personal and social services. Individuals may need this care if they have a long-term illness, disability or cognitive impairment. This care includes services provided by home health care agencies, adult day care centers, traditional nursing homes, and continuing care retirement communities. In addition, family members often provide long-term care.

Private insurance companies offer individual or group long-term care insurance policies that provide benefits for a range of services that are not covered by your regular health insurance, Medicare, or Medicare supplement insurance. Under Florida law, all insurance sold in Florida must be purchased through an insurance agent licensed by the Department of Financial Services (DFS). Long-term care policies may be distributed by an agent, by mail, or over the Internet. Some companies sell these policies through senior organizations, fraternal societies, and continuing care retirement communities. Some companies now offer these policies to their employees.

Seniors who do not have the financial resources to pay for their long-term care expenses are eligible for Medicaid. To qualify for Medicaid, your monthly income must be below the federal poverty level and your assets cannot exceed certain limits. Medicaid will only cover you in Medicaid-approved nursing homes that provide the level of care you need. Under certain circumstances, Medicaid will pay for home health care.

"Private insurance companies offer individual or group long-term care insurance policies that provide benefits for a range of services that are not covered by your regular health insurance, Medicare or Medicare supplement insurance."

Long Term Care Information

Click here for more information on the following topics: 

What is Long-Term Care?

What is Long-Term Care Insurance?

Before you buy Long-Term Care insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Policy

Renewing Your Policy

Checklist for Buying Long-Term Care Insurance

Companies that offer Long-Term Care Insurance

Seniors: Need help with your insurance questions?

Your Rights and Responsibilities

Selecting an Insurance Agent

Selecting an Insurance Company

User Tips

What is a CCRC?

How to Select a CCRC

Financial Considerations

Health Care Considerations

Optional Accreditation

Conflict Mediation/Ombudsman

Your Rights and Responsibilities at CCRCs

CCRCs in Florida

Medical Privacy and the Medical Information Office

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Learn about the benefits of having a 24-hour in-house caregiver

Benefits of a 24-hour in-house caregiver

Benefits of a 24-hour in-house caregiver


Aging is just a process

Aging is a new stage of life that, depending on the individual, circumstance and situation, may require more attention and care. The help of the family is important, but in this phase, it is even more important to have a professional caregiver at home. In fact, the benefits of having an in-house caregiver 24 hours a day are many and that, specifically, is what we want to talk about in this post of our blog.

If you have elderly people at home who require special care or simply 24-hour personalized attention, this content is for you. Will you join us?

"Comprehensive home care is often the best solution because it addresses all requirements around the clock."

Benefits of having an in-house caregiver

The requirements are very different in each case. Comprehensive home care is usually the best solution because it meets all requirements 24 hours a day, including any emergencies that may arise. There are many advantages to having a professional on board at home, such as peace of mind for family members, who know that the person will be well cared for.

Here are some important benefits:

  • Personalized care: the caregiver is in charge of attending to all the specific care needs of the person. That will be his or her exclusive function. Keep in mind that their preparation is very specific to solve any setback or requirement.
    Household chores: the professional caregiver not only attends to the patient’s health needs, but one of his main functions is to improve his quality of life. Therefore, they will be in charge of cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and other tasks, so that you can relax and have more time available with the peace of mind of knowing that your family member is in good hands.
  • Supervise medication intake: We know that medications are essential in the daily lives of older adults who require special attention. For this reason, caregivers will be responsible for the different doses taken during the day.
  • Psychological support to the patient: a professional caregiver is not only prepared to perform the tasks described above. It will also be a psychological support for the patient, since being with someone will help them not to become depressed or suffer emotionally. The caregiver will motivate them to deal with this possibility.
  • Outdoor companionship: another of the caregiver’s functions is to try to ensure that the elderly person does not become detached from the outdoor routine. Therefore, going for walks (when possible), visiting friends or going to medical appointments are a key part of the functions of this professional. In addition, all this will make the older adult more independent as much as possible.
  • Improves the family’s quality of life: this is undoubtedly one of the great pros of having a professional caregiver 24 hours a day. The quality of life of both the patient and his or her family members should be one of the primary objectives. Caring for an elderly person with certain health needs is exhausting, especially for those who are not professionally trained. Among these people are the immediate family members. A caregiver will be essential in improving the attitude, taking care of the stress and worries of these people. Knowing that the care of your loved one is in good hands, peace of mind will automatically follow.
  • Safety: Although it may seem like a logical reason, the numbers tell us so. According to U.S. health authorities, 87% of seniors want to live at home rather than in a nursing home or relative’s home. A caregiver will be present for any problems with the patient.

The benefits of having a 24-hour in-house caregiver are numerous for both the patient and the family. Knowing them will open an interesting scenario to hire one. Do you want more reasons?

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Prevents obesity in the elderly

Prevents obesity in the elderly

Prevents obesity in the elderly


Obesity in the elderly

Obesity in the elderly can be a serious problem if not prevented in time. To avoid that, it is better to start preventing. If not, there are ways to reverse the situation, but order and discipline are necessary.

In this article about obesity at a specific age, we will talk about how to prevent and correct obesity in the elderly. If we told you that this part of the population is the most at risk of suffering from overweight, would you believe it? In this article, we will talk, exactly, about that and how to solve it in this part of the population. Will you join us?

"Correcting a condition of obesity is not simple, but it is recommended. The first thing you need to do is to organize your meals and try to maintain an optimal weight."

How to correct a situation like this

Correcting a situation of obesity is not simple, but it is recommended. The first thing you need to do is to organize your meals and try to maintain an adequate weight. Sleeping well, doing some physical activity every day, taking care of the types of food you eat, eating a balanced diet rich in all the nutrients we need, etc. are some of the keys.

Correcting the overall situation will prevent the development of associated diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or cholesterol, among others.

What about prevention?

Prevention is the key to not developing obesity. Improving the quality of life of the elderly holds the key. How? By preventing weight gain, improving general health, balancing the diet and, of course, improving the mobility of the body. Preventing obesity at this age is one of the goals of any professional caregiver.

So how to prevent? What are the guidelines to follow?

  • Exercise: Exercise, however small, helps with a number of factors. For example, it lowers the accumulated cholesterol in your body; it helps you stay active and improves insulin sensitivity. For exercise to be effective, it is important that it is done in moderation with short walks and a simple routine. Don’t forget to stretch.
  • Optimal nutrition: as we said, a healthy diet, with the necessary nutrients at this age and balanced in its proportions is essential. Keeping fat at its ideal level is one of the objectives we should seek. Caloric foods, consumption of refined sugars and saturated fats are not advisable. Vegetables, cereals (half of them should be whole grains) and fruits are highly recommended, especially because they are easy to digest. Eating four or five meals a day with small portions is also recommended, as well as good chewing and drinking water many times a day.
  • Medical accompaniment: medical accompaniment and supervision is also key. A guide from a nutrition specialist is advised to correct what is not done correctly and to put more emphasis on things that are required. Also be careful with drugs. Some can cause more obesity. A medical specialist will help regulate them.

Obesity in older adults is a problem that can be serious if not corrected in time. Although the culture of prevention should prevail, it is important to know that it can be reversed by following a series of guidelines. To prevent, following the tips detailed in this article will help greatly to improve the situation of the older adult with this problem. Let us know what you thought of the article.

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Nutrition in the elderly: a balanced diet

Nutrition for the elderly: What foods do we recommend?

Nutrition for the elderly: What foods do we recommend?


The importance of nutrition at different stages of life

Nutrition is different according to the age of each person. In addition, it also depends on other factors such as physical activity, any ailments and, of course, the needs of each organism. That is why nutrition in the elderly is so important and essential for the quality of life.
In this article we will talk about how this diet should be, what advice an older adult can follow to eat better and what type of food should be eaten. Will you join us?

"Optimal nutrition will not only improve the quality of life, but will prevent some diseases from developing, such as hypertension, diabetes and even some cancers."

Nutrition in the elderly

Nutrition in the elderly is key. A healthy and, above all, balanced diet is not an option, but an obligation when reaching a certain age. There are more important nutrients than others that at this age are key for the proper functioning of the body. Some are: proteins, minerals, water, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates, among others.

An optimal diet will not only improve the quality of life, but will also prevent some diseases from developing, such as hypertension, diabetes and even some cancers.

With this in mind, what foods are ideal to consume as an older adult?

  • Fruits and vegetables: it is recommended that older adults eat a variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors.
  • Whole grains: half of the cereals consumed by an adult should be whole grains.
  • Saturated and trans fats, better not: butter, palm or coconut oils, processed products and store-bought baked goods are not recommended.
  • Good fats exist and are recommended: by good fats, we mean polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These are found in avocados, fatty fish such as salmon, seeds and nuts. In terms of oils, canola or olive oil should be consumed.
  • Fish and seafood: it is not necessary to consume excessively, but it is necessary to do it. Anchovies, trout, salmon itself are healthy because they have more good fats and less mercury.
  • Dairy products: if we talk about dairy products, low-calorie cheese and skim milk are recommended. Rice or soy milk can also be consumed.

As for the amount of food to be ingested, it will depend on the type. For example, vegetables should be two to three and a half cups; fruits, one and a half to two cups; cereals, five to nine ounces; protein-rich foods, five to six and a half ounces; three cups of lactose-free milk or two cups of cottage cheese or one cup of natural yogurt, for example.

As a complement to a balanced diet with all these foods we have just mentioned, we also advise following a series of guidelines to reinforce it.

  • Avoid hollow or empty calories: chips, sugary drinks and alcohol are not recommended in the diet.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: not getting dehydrated is essential for an elderly person. One of the problems directly associated with aging is losing the ability to feel thirsty. The constant consumption of medications makes drinking fluids a necessity.
  • Exercise: logically, physical activity is important, but not only to avoid diseases and be healthier. It is also important to regain the appetite that can be lost with age.
  • Four meals a day: or even five by including a second breakfast in the morning. Of course, these five meals imply that the amounts to be ingested are smaller in each one. Dinners, as in most age groups, are not very abundant.

Nutrition for the elderly is not something to be taken lightly. The prevention of diseases and a better quality of life will depend on it. Of course, drinking fluids constantly and keeping in good physical condition are perfect complements for this. What are you waiting for?

Artículos relacionados

Tips about the Health Insurance Marketplace

Tips about the Health Insurance Marketplace

Tips about the Health Insurance Marketplace

For coverage beginning January 1, 2023, enrollment ends December 15, 2022. Open enrollment ends January 15, 2023.

Requirements to be eligible to enroll in Marketplace health coverage: live in the United States, be a U.S. citizen or national (or lawfully present), and not be incarcerated.

You are eligible for two types of coverage, depending on your income:

  • A tax-credit health plan.

  • Coverage through Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

All plans cover:
  • Outpatient ambulatory services (outpatient care you receive without being admitted to a hospital).

  • Emergency services

  • Hospitalization (such as surgery and overnight stays)

  • Pregnancy, maternity and newborn care (both before and after birth)

  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)

  • Prescription drugs

  • Rehabilitation and habilitation services and devices (services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic illnesses gain or regain mental and physical abilities)

  • Laboratory services

  • Pediatric services, including oral and vision care (but dental and vision coverage for adults are not essential health benefits)

  • Pre-existing conditions: Insurance companies cannot refuse to cover treatment for your pre-existing condition or charge you more.

Medicare and home health care

Medicare and home health care

Medicare and home health care

If your doctor indicates that you need home health services, you may choose an agency from the list of Medicare-certified participating agencies that provide services in your area. These agencies are certified to ensure that they meet certain Federal health and safety requirements.

Your physician, hospital discharge planner, and other referring agencies must accept the agency you choose. Although you choose, your options may be limited by agency availability, or by insurance coverage. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan (such as an HMO or PPO) or other Medicare health plan, you may be required to use one of the agencies that contract with them. Call your plan for more information.

In general, as a Medicare beneficiary receiving services from a Medicare-certified home health agency, you have certain rights including the right to:

  • Get a written notice of your rights before care begins

  • Have your home and property respected

  • Be told in advance what kind of care you will receive and when your plan of care will change.

  • Participate in your plan of care and treatment.

  • Get written information about your privacy and appeal rights.

  • Have your personal information kept confidential

  • Get information orally and in writing about what Medicare is expected to pay and what you are responsible for paying for services

  • File a complaint about the quality of services and to have the agency follow up on your complaint.

  • Know the phone number for your state’s home health hotline to call if you have a complaint or a question about the services you are getting.

At the following link https://www.medicare.gov/sites/default/files/2020-10/10969-S-Medicare-and-Home-Health-Care.pdf , you can learn more about:

  • Who is eligible for this benefit?

  • How Medicare Pays for Home Health Care

  • What Medicare covers

  • What you pay

  • “Advance notice of non-coverage to the beneficiary”.

  • Your right to an expedited appeal

  • Find a Medicare-certified agency

  • Agency Checklist

  • Specific rules for home health care agencies

  • More information about home health care agencies

  • Your plan of care

  • Your rights as a Medicare beneficiary

  • Where to File a Complaint About the Quality of Your Home Health Care

  • Home Health Care Checklist

  • Help with your home health care benefit questions

  • What you should know about fraud

For more information click here

GIG economy: what is it?

GIG Economy: what is it?

The GIG economy is a work environment in which short-term contracts and independent hiring prevail.

GIG Economy: what is it?

The GIG economy is a work environment in which short-term contracts and independent hiring prevail.

27% of American workers reported that they had some type of temporary or freelance contract during the year 2021.

16% of Americans reported that during the same year, they used at least once a gig economy platform.

WANACARE was created by several young Spanish entrepreneurs more than 3 years ago. It was born based on experience in the home care and home health care sector, with a model based on automatic management platforms.


Professionals in this sector are, by nature, independent in their functions. This has been the case for decades, when the market demanded specific aid for people in vulnerable situations. This increased in the 1990s, with the rise of Home Care and Home Health services, as well as the subsidies attributed by Medicare and Medicaid. From the regulations of medical insurance, professionals lost prominence, giving way to specialized agencies. At the time, these agencies have seen their valuation deteriorate and their service diminished; in turn, the professionalism of the workers was declining. But this must change, and it will.


In the last ten years we have witnessed the appearance of integrated management platforms, capable of managing a global market, connecting supply with demand in real time. The most popular examples are: Uber, Lyft… They respond to the need to relocate professionals, attacking sectors that are too traditional or new markets that require greater specialization for jobs that did not exist before. At this point, we have the professionals of the digital sector.

These platforms have reinvented the way of contracting services, but, most importantly, they have redesigned the formula for managing and assigning them. Because the most important thing is not how these services are marketed, but the position of the professional in managing them. Now, the professional is the protagonist and, therefore, directly responsible for it.

We could say that WANACARE is a platform based on the GIG economy, but there are certain differences:

  1. We seek the maximum professionalization of the service. For this, it is necessary to count on the enormous contributions that the agencies of the sector suppose. They have social workers, in addition to having the necessary certifications stipulated by state law. At WANACARE we could say that they are the guarantors of the best service.

  2. Being a good professional is not easy. The service is not always appreciated. For this reason, we want the professional to only worry about giving their best. The communication, collections and all the situation that surrounds the transaction, depends on the agency and the platform itself. The professional only has to worry about working on what he knows how to do best, and seeing the money in his account.

  3. Our work is intermediation, in a transparent and sincere way. There are no hidden commissions or changes in the applicable conditions. Belonging to our platform does not cost money, nor does it seek professional dependency. We are a bridging tool that seeks success and maximum satisfaction. There is always a professional for the needs of a client and we give the necessary support to the agencies and their clients to achieve it.

Online security

Online security

Online security

  • Wanacare will only contact you from email addresses ending with @wanacare.com. Emails using other addresses are not from Wanacare.

  • When using a browser, check that the URL begins with https:// and that the address contains .wanacare.com before logging in or using a website. Beware of links or websites that use the Wanacare logo but do not have .Wanacare.com in the URL.

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What not to share

What not to share

What not to share

No Wanacare employee will contact you by phone, text or email asking for personal information unless you contact us first. Do not provide any of the following information:

  • phone number

  • credit card number

  • bank information

If anyone ever asks about the above, it may not be Wanacare. If you haven’t contacted us, your best bet is to hang up or ignore the message.

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